Tabs Registry entry (Tab Switching)
Specify which tabs to display / hide dynamically based on a value selected or entered in a given field (i.e. Tab switching).

The Tabs | Default Registry entry specifies which tabs in a module display for a user / group by default in Search and Display modes.
The Tabs Registry entry allows for the adjustment of this default set of tabs (hiding tabs and / or displaying other tabs) based on the selection or entering of a value in a given field. The dynamic adjustment of which tabs display is known as Tab switching. A good example of a Tab Switching field is the Party Type field in the Parties module. When Person is selected in the Party Type field, the following tabs are available in New mode:
If Organisation is selected however, a slightly different set of tabs display:
Tab Switching can be applied in all Screen modes. It is possible for an Administrator to configure a module to display different tabs for each mode. For example, a user may be able to view only a couple of tabs when in Search mode but to view all tabs when in Display or New mode.
This Registry entry can be assigned to users and groups:
Key | User | User | Group | Group | Group | Group |
Key 1 | User
Key 2 | user | user | group | group | Default
Key 3 | Table
Key 4 | table | Default
table | Default
table | Default
Key 5 | Tabs
Key 6 | column | |||||
Key 7 | value | |||||
Value | tab;tab;... |

user | Table
table | Tabs
column | value | tab;tab;... |
user | Table
column | value | tab;tab;... |
group | Table
table | Tabs
column | value | tab;tab;... |
group | Table
column | value | tab;tab;... |
table | Tabs
column | value | tab;tab;... |
column | value | tab;tab;... |
column |
is the Tab Switching column. |
value |
is a value to check for in column. When value is in column, the tabs listed in tab;tab;... will display in the module specified in Key 4 or all modules if |
tab;tab;... |
is a semicolon separated list of tabs to display when value is present in column. See Tabs | Default Registry entry for how to specify which tabs to display / hide. Note: If two tab switching Registry entries specify the same tab name and one is preceded by a - and the other by a +, the tab will always display. |
Note: Typically, Tab Switching is defined at a group level.
When calculating which tabs should display:
- EMu first retrieves the set of tabs defined by the Tabs | Default Registry entry.
- If a Tabs Registry entry exists and the value is present in column, the tab display is modified.
Note: EMu automatically hooks all column controls when a module is invoked. Whenever the value of the column is modified, the tabs to be display are determined.

The use of -All
in the Tabs Registry entry ensures that you are working from a known state (no tabs display) before determining which tabs to display.
Note: If two Tabs Registry entries specify the same tab name and one is preceded by a - and the other by a +, the tab will display.
Note: The hiding of tabs does not provide a mechanism for hiding data. To hide data from users / groups, it is necessary to use a Column Access Registry entry.
A Tabs | Default Registry entry specifies the default set of tabs to display in the Parties module:
Key | Setting |
Key 1 | Group
Key 2 | Default
Key 3 | Table
Key 4 | eparties
Key 5 | Tabs
Key 6 | Default
Value | All
A Tabs Registry entry then specifies which tabs will display when the value selected in the Party Type field is Collaboration
Key | Setting |
Key 1 | Group
Key 2 | Default
Key 3 | Table
Key 4 | eparties
Key 5 | Tabs
Key 6 | NamPartyType
Key 7 | Collaboration
Value |